How to Store Gun Cleaning Stuff [Easy DIY]

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Like most gun enthusiasts, you probably have a lot of gun cleaning supplies. Storing those bottles of solvent, rags, and other items can be challenging. Here are some easy DIY gun cleaning storage ideas to help keep your workspace organized and tidy.

How to Store Gun Cleaning Stuff - Routines

It's essential to clean your gun regularly to maintain its performance and prevent rust and other damage. Here are some tips for cleaning your gun:

  • Use a quality gun cleaning kit. A good kit will have everything you need to clean your gun properly.
  • Be sure to follow the instructions that come with your cleaning kit.
  • Clean your gun in a well-ventilated area.
  • Wear gloves when cleaning your gun to protect your hands from the chemicals in the cleaning solutions.
  • Use a soft cloth or brush to clean the barrel of your gun. Be careful not to damage the delicate parts of the gun.
  • Wipe down the exterior of your gun with a damp cloth after cleaning to remove any residue.

Storing Your Gun Cleaning Stuff

Assuming you have all the gun cleaning supplies you need, the next step is to figure out where to store everything.

This can be tricky, especially if you don't have a lot of space. But with a bit of creativity, you can make it work. Here are some ideas:

  • Hang a pegboard on the wall and use it to store your cleaning supplies. This will keep everything organized and within easy reach.
  • Repurpose an old dresser or cabinet into a gun cleaning storage unit. Line the drawers with felt or foam to protect your supplies.
  • Use mason jars or other small containers to store individual items. Then, label the containers, so you know what's inside.
  • Invest in a gun cleaning kit with its storage case. This can be a great option if you travel often or don't have much home space.

No matter where you store your gun, cleaning stuff and keeping it organized and accessible is essential.

That way, you can easily find what you need when it's time to clean your gun.


Although it may seem daunting, storing your gun cleaning supplies doesn't have to be complicated.

With a bit of planning and the suitable materials, you can easily create a storage solution that will keep your supplies organized and protected.

By following the tips in this article, you'll be able to create a safe and functional storage system for your gun cleaning supplies that will help you keep your guns in top condition.